Maxine Waters shrugs off Lummis-Gillibrand stablecoin bill: "Schumer’s in the lead on that"
Rep. Maxine Waters (4-19-2024)
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) — Ranking Democrat, Financial Services Commitee
LISTEN: Laslo & Waters I & II
Ask a Pol asks:
Were you able to look at Lummis and Gillibrand’s new stablecoin measure?
Key Waters:
“No, I have not,” Rep. Maxine Waters exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
Caught our ear:
Do you think it’s helpful that senators have laid down a marker on their stablecoin measure? Or is that gonna not influence you all over here?
“Look, [Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer’s in the lead on that. Whatever Schumer’s doing, that’s what gonna happen,” Waters tells us.
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Maxine Waters
SCENE: Rep. Maxine Waters leaves the House floor during a vote series to run a quick errand.
Waters Exchange I
Matt Laslo: “Were you able to look at Lummis and Gillibrand’s new stablecoin measure?”
Maxine Waters: “No, I have not.”
ML: “No? How are your talks going? Talk soon? Thank you.”
Waters Exchange II
SCENE: Errand over, Waters is rushing back to the House floor to vote.
Matt Laslo: “Do you think it’s helpful that senators have laid down a marker on their stablecoin measure? Or is that gonna not influence you all over here?”
Maxine Waters: “Look, Schumer’s in the lead on that. Whatever Schumer’s doing, that’s what gonna happen.”
ML: “Yes, ma’am. Preciate you.”
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